Jealousy Incarnate
Title : Jealousy Incarnate Genre : Romance, Drama Leads : Jo Jung Suk, Gong Hyo Jin, Go Kyung Pyo Premise : Getting ahead in a broadcasting station is tough and the competition is fierce -- but when a news anchor and meteorologist start to fall for each other, things get much more complicated. Rating ⭐⭐⭐☆ (3.5) Describe the show with a hashtag : #LoveTriangle Plot *minor spoilers ahead* Lee Hwa Shin and Pyo Na Ri are co-workers at a broadcasting station. Na Ri had a crush on Hwa Shin for about 3 years but Hwa Shin did not feel the same way and was pretty rude and cold about the whole thing. Hwa Shin and Go Jung Won are best friends and both end up falling in love with Na Ri. Hwa Shin and Na Ri have a bond based on a shared secret that keeps them in each other's lives so Hwa Shin finds it impossible to stop his feelings for Na Ri, although he encouraged her to date Go Jung. This show follows the three of them in their personal and professional lives.